Through the A and B levels you have been a teacher, helper, healer, nurturer and guide. Those things come to fruition here. With an abundance of energy, passion and life, you constantly express a beauty and love of all that is. Those around you adore you, standing near you to soak up your radiance.
Below you can find the light-side characteristics of the C3 archetype. The C-levels do not have a shadow-side expression.
General Description
- Level:C, the highest expression of your path
- Track: 3, guiding and guarding others
- Comes from: this is the progressed B3F or B3M
- Leads to: when fully encompassed, moves to true mastery at the D0 - The Master
- Example: Ho-tai, the laughing buddha
Your life is a beautiful thing. Celebrate it!
Think of Ho-tai, the laughing buddha
As you develop these items, all of the characteristics of the A3f - The Earth Mother, A3m - The Coach, B3F, B3M, and the A0 - The Holy Child must continue to grow stronger to provide a solid base for these.
- • Androgynous, both male and female
- • Like all C level LPAs, you pay primary attention to fundamentals. Surface level things don't matter to you. Because of this awareness, your actions don't always make sense to the younger ones but are almost always correct
- • The male and female paths merge here. Whichever you have followed, you become extremely successful at both. You embody the best of all five stages preceding this one as you work to encompass this one.
- • You are the ultimate teacher, the "master" in a martial arts sense, the guru
- • However you rarely work with the very young, preferring to teach those more advanced
- • You would rather teach and express mastery than get lost in exploring it.
- • You see no purpose in "pure" mathematics or research, preferring things that are applied to help those in need
- • You are more interested in exploring and expressing mastery than in leading in the physical world (i.e. CEOs or spiritual leaders are more likely to be B3s than C3s)
- • You have a huge amount of energy and passion. You have a burning sun within
- • Intensely passionate and will freely show it
- • Powerfully creative and generative
- • Vibrantly healthy. An intense inner fire burns away impurities
- • You have very clear sight and senses
- • You are brilliant, focused, driven
- • You love to talk about the things that matter to you
- • Very unlikely to be isolated explorers, musicians, artists, etc
- • You study all these fields but only to become a better teacher
- • You are passionate about food, sex, touch, interaction, and etc
- • A very warm personality, you are the ultimate grandparent.
- • You seem old to people, but powerful wise old, never weak or senile
- • You celebrate life and encourage everyone to do so
- • You are deeply loved and respected and a bit feared
- • You change those around you by simply being, like standing too close to the sun
- • You are goal oriented, you get things done
- • Physical, emotional, heart, and spirit are all strong and in balance
- • You weave all the levels together
- • You are an astounding listener
- • You deeply care what people have to say
- • Constantly seeking to discover more and understand more clearly
- • Extremely self-confidant, you dominate every situation
- • You are quick to change and grow but otherwise unchangeable
- • You are a master of integrity. You have no dark-side or hidden pieces
- • Your focus is on the conscious, not on the unconscious
- • You love plants, animals, people, storms, oceans, ...
- • You love to travel and learn
- • You love the sun
- • You are highly organized
- • You strive always for transformation and encourage others toward the same
- • Like all C level LPAs, you are completely heart-centered, compassionate, loving. All your decisions come from the heart.
- • You have a clarity in your first mind that younger ones can't even imagine.
- • Like all C level LPAs, you teach others as you learn.
- • With your awareness being so much deeper, your lessons are not always comprehensible to the very young. You have more success with teaching those at the B level.
Last edited 2012.08.13)