Source and society

If Source is natural to you, you've done it since a baby. We start doing our Clan before we're born. Imagine you go to kindergarten to learn letters - does that sound like a very Source thing? Are they all organised in ways of flow and harmonies and dynamics, the things that make sense to a Source? Letters are things of the third primary energy center, not of the guts. Sources know who's dominant, but most primary school teachers aren't very dominant people inside. You get in trouble if you try to say anything about that, though. History is mostly about dates and facts, and some of it is wrong, so when they are trying to teach you history, none of that will make sense to you.

With few exceptions, most everything you have done as a Source has been considered wrong your entire life. You try to do something as a Source, it gets you in trouble. You've learned to get up in your thinky bits and figure out what your teacher wants. Now you need to learn something new, because you've been doing it wrong all your life. If you want to get it right, your first response has to be now, to get in your guts and do it as a Source.

Angel, 2015-04-17

Life Path Archetypes

Meta-Intuitive Clans

Circle of Truths

Meta-Circ System

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