This node sits at the center of the circle of the truths because it is the most important. It is the center of your existence.
All that you came to this life to do and to experience is here. The other eight nodes only have value when this one is strong. It is your guts, your throne, your joy center, your heart and your third mind. It is you, as you as you can be in this lifetime. Integrity, power, truth, self-awareness, love, your gifts, your desires, your dreams ... they all sit here. If you do nothing else in your lifetime, do this. Find this node and explore it with all that you have. Express it in all that you do.
Your entire purpose in this life
is to discover who you are
and be that.
- Integrity
- Self-appreciation
- Self-love
- Self-discovery
- Celebration of self
- Guts
- Personal power
- Strength
- Your gifts
- Your dreams
- Heart
- Third mind
- Lies
- Dishonesty
- Self-deception
- Self-criticism
- Self-sabotage
- Self-destruction
- Weakness
- Cowardice
- Your fears
- Your insecurities
Last edited 2013.06.04